quarta-feira, 22 de junho de 2016

At night Wall, Flamengo wins Santa Cruz and abuts the G4

The victory of Flamengo 1-0 on Santa Cruz did not have a striker as the protagonist. On Wednesday, in the Arruda stadium in Recife, who secured the Rio triumph was goalkeeper Alex Wall, primarily responsible for the positive result of the red-black team. After two hiccups, the team led by interim Ze Ricardo was able to recover and touch the group of the top four of the Championship at the end of the tenth round.
With 17 points, the locals are in fifth position and return to the field on Sunday against Fluminense, in a match that will be the principal in the Arena das Dunas in Natal. A day earlier, on Saturday, the Santa Cruz, following with 11 points, faces the Corinthians, in Itaquerão in São Paulo.

The Pernambuco had several opportunities to open the scoring in the first half. Early on, Keno risked long distance and saw Alex Wall do good defense. Shortly after, Arthur did down the right and passed Keno waste the chance and isolate the ball.



SANTA CRUZ - Tiago Cardoso; Vitor, Allan, Danny Morais and Tiago Costa (Roberto); John Paul, Leandro Barbosa (Wallyson), Daniel Costa (Lelê) and Arthur; Keno and Grafite. Technical: Milton Mendes.

FLAMINGO - Alex Wall; Rodinei, Réver, Rafael Vaz and George; Márcio Araújo, William Aaron, Alan Patrick (Mancuello) and Everton (Fernandinho); Marcelo Cirino and Felipe Vizeu (Cuéllar). Coach: Zé Ricardo (interim).

GOL - William Aaron, 14 minutes of the first half.

YELLOW CARD - Lelê (Santa Cruz).

REFEREE - Wagner Reway (MT).

INCOME - R $ 220,340.00.

PUBLIC - 12,739 paying.

LOCAL - Arruda Stadium in Recife (PE).

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