Os poderes de rir com o outro
Com o tempo se queixam que a vida de casal é pesada, sem graça e entediante ou que a rotina massacra, faz perder a paixão e a admiração. Conviver com um general mau humorado e chato é difícil pois cada ação tem que ser meticulosamente pensada como se fosse decisiva. Pessoas que se levam muito à sério e não conseguem rir de si mesmas, podem fazer o relacionamento algo insuportável.
The powers to laugh with each other
Some people, when they enter a loving relationship, take to heart some maternal recommendations that say to treat life two seriously. The problem is that many to take such a heavy way, they lose all spontaneity. Practically preach on the house wall the ten commandments and loving count each problem in the Excel table.
Over time complain that the double life is heavy, dull and boring or routine massacres, it does lose the passion and admiration. Living with a bad general mood and boring is difficult because each action has to be meticulously thought of as if it were decisive. People who take themselves too seriously and can not laugh at themselves, can make the relationship unbearable.
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