Frases que uma mulher comprometida nunca deve falar a outro homem
Obrigada pelo elogio, você também está bonito hoje

Nem sempre um homem que elogia quer algo a mais, mas nós mulheres temos um sexto sentido para quando algum homem quer algo a mais. Então, se você perceber isso, procure se afastar dessa pessoa.
Phrases that an engaged woman must never speak to another man
Thanks for the compliment, you're too cute today
Be commended once or twice have no problem, but if it is constant, then you can get a little more suspicious. I'm not saying you should be rude to someone who is praising you. But you should, rather, be careful not to get carried away by these kinds of compliments.
Not always a man who praises or something else, but we women have a sixth sense for when a man wants something more. So if you realize this, try to move away from that person.
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