Mitos sobre agachamento que não querem morrer
Mito 2: Os joelhos nunca devem ultrapassar a ponta dos pés

Em um estudo de 2003 os pesquisadores tentaram recriar o cenário usando atletas de força experientes que fizeram agachamento profundo sob duas condições: primeiro com os joelhos ultrapassando a ponta dos pés e então evitando que isto acontecesse. Enquanto evitar que o joelho ultrapassasse a ponta dos pés diminui 22% o torque nos joelhos, ele aumentou o torque em mais de 10 vezes no quadril. Isto mostra que você pode diminuir a tensão nos joelhos, mas não não é tão crítico ao ponto de ser necessário.
Myths about squats do not want to die
Myth 2: Your knees should never exceed the toes
This myth is more fanciful, because you can not even figure out where it came. Searching on the subject on the internet you will find several "experts" repeating like parrots "it is not intended to let the knee go feet squat" and quoting a 1978 study that found that the more keeping the lower legs (shins) vertically during exercise, less stress is generated. Can not find the full study and no information supporting its validity.
In a 2003 study researchers tried to recreate the scene using experienced strength athletes who have made deep squat under two conditions: first with knees surpassing the toes and then avoiding it happened. While prevent the knee exceed the toes decreases 22% torque on his knees, he increased the torque by more than 10 times in the hip. This shows that you can reduce the stress on the knees, but is not as critical to the point of need.
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