3 tips to turn a good idea into income

A survey conducted by the National Council of Women of the United States Business, points out that entrepreneurs start their businesses with six times less money than men. The scenario is not much different in Latin America. Here, one of the biggest difficulties of women who wish to become entrepreneurs is to borrow money in the bank, angel investment or even family support and friends to sell a well and begin to undertake.
"Being undercapitalised not necessarily mean that women entrepreneurs have failed to reach their first million in revenue. It means, however, that they need to be smart to generate this revenue, "says the entrepreneur Kari Warberg Block, founder of Earth Kind company specializing in control for pests. In his blog the American Huffington Post website, she listed three ways to make women turn a good idea into income.
1. Be a woman with a plan
Kari believes that one of the main difficulties of women is to have a practical and disciplined vision to examine the costs of their own time, processes and people. According to her, you need a plan to get where you want.
"Use other companies as reference: does your activities and your time is as valuable as elsewhere," says the entrepreneur. Kari explains that this kind of thinking helps to create a kind of smart calculation, so you can know if the consumer is much value in your product as you are asking.
"So you can see when it is better to buy new software or when it's time to hire new employees. If you do not have money in the bank for this, you will need to get a loan. To get a loan, you need to have cash flow. To get cash flow, you have to be or faster, better or cheaper than the competition, "he says.
Take what is toxic
The American entrepreneur Jim Rohn used to say that you are the average of the five people you spend time more. "And he's right," says Kari. She says that before founding his company, was a single mother of a government assistance. "I knew that things had to change, so I looked for positive models of people I admired and looked for support in the community to help me think better."
The entrepreneurial advises look carefully what your goals are, how you are spending your time and who is around you. "Your goals, your daily practices and the five people that influence you can help in the outcome of your story. If you want your entrepreneurial dream come true, you need to start doing practical things that matters most and get rid of interference that do not bring any good. "
3. Do not be afraid to get away from stereotypes
"Entrepreneurship has no age limits or time ... [entrepreneurship] thrives on the basis of hope and inspiration. Those who choose to participate in it can only make the world a better place. "Kari uses the phrase Debbi Fields, founder of Mrs. Fields Cookies American network to explain the success of entrepreneurs. For her, women need more success stories of entrepreneurs to have a model. "We need more cases that highlight the skills of women entrepreneurs in combining compassion and caring with business acumen to create successful businesses."
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